Our answers to your questions
If you have any questions, our competent employees will be happy to help you with words and deeds. Sometimes, however, taking a look at the “Frequently Asked Questions” that we have already answered does the trick. Take a look, maybe this will help you directly!

Where can I buy COELAN products?
Liquid polymers from COELAN are professional products for professional users and therefore not available in DIY stores. Throughout Europe, we work closely with a network of trained specialist contractors, distributors and partners. Our distribution partners are fully trained in using the products and can provide the necessary support for your projects.
Where will I find texts for COELAN products which I can use in tenders?
All such texts currently available for COELAN products can be found in the Login section, which can only be accessed by authorised users.
I would like to become a distribution partner. What do I have to do?
You would like to be trained in the use of COELAN products? We offer training courses on the various product systems in our Training Centre in Vellmar, Germany. Register your interest here and discover the world of liquid polymers.
Go to the training courses
Where can I buy COELAN Boat Coating?
Are you looking for a competent partner for the COELAN boat coating?
Here you will find our distribution partners who will gladly help you if you have any questions about boat coating!
Will I be able to apply the COELAN coating myself?
In principle, this is possible. However, you should seek advice from a local specialist.

You could not find the answer to your question?
If you have any questions about technical implementation, please contact our technical hotline. Our skilled application technicians will be only too happy to help.