All year long, balconies and terraces are exposed to the elements. This can easily result in weak spots and damage to the building fabric. COELAN offers the ideal solution!
Because our COETRANS Products reliably protect the building fabric against penetrating moisture. Apart from that, they offer unlimited design options. Thus, an outdoor seating area can be transformed into a permanently beautiful place in no time.
Our COETRANS products
at a glance
Coloured quartz filler system for balconies and terraces
Unsere COETRANS Systemaufbauten eignen sich ideal für den Einsatz auf Balkonen, Terrassen, Treppen, Laubengängen, Loggien, Fluchtwege oder Brücken – eben genau dort, wo ein pflegeleichter, 1-komponentiger flüssiger Kunststoff gefragt ist.
Sample works and completed projects
If you are interested in the possibilities that our products offer or if you want to know where or how the COETRANS Balcony and Terrace Coating can be used, it may be worthwhile to take a look at our completed projects.